
This ancient medicinal system perceives our bodies as not separated from our minds, emotions and consciousness. On a deeper level, Ayurveda sees the human being as a microcosm, connected to everything else in the Macrocosm.

Ayurvedic Medicine Treatments Lorenzo Sacchini Ayurveda Knowledge and Herbal Wisdom

Living in Balance

Health is not just the absence of disease according to Ayurveda.
True health is experienced when our body thrives, our nervous system is strong yet calm and our emotions are stable and rooted in love and compassion. Ayurveda makes these goals achievable through the use of simple yet effective tools like diet, lifestyle changes and natural herbal formulations.

In order to experience ultimate freedom, all our layers need to be purified and integrated. Applying Ayurvedic principles to everyday life is a chance to take control of your health and remove obstacles as they arise.

Ayurvedic Consultation

Uncover the fundamental traits of your body makeup (Prakruti). Understanding your unique constitution is the key to obtaining balance, vitality and longevity.

With an initial consult, we explore your unique physiology as well as your lifestyle routines and habits. With a series of diagnostic techniques like pulse reading or tongue examination we then determine any imbalances and provide you with a personalised treatment plan to restore or maintain health.

  • 1:1 session via Zoom or in person (Sydney area)

  • Discover your unique body type to optimise health, stability and balance

  • Personalised treatment plan with lifestyle changes, dietary advice
    and herbal treatments

  • Learn how to remain balanced with Ayurveda

  • Ongoing email support

First consult (60/75 minutes) 170 Aud

Follow-up consult (30/45 minutes) 80 Aud

Ayurvedic Treatment Consultation Lorenzo Sacchini Pulse Reading